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Squiggle Sauce is a brand that believes illustrations and images are made of magic.When you work with Squiggle Sauce you enter a place where reality suspends itself upside down. This is a place for woven stories, quirky illustrations and projects that work on the child like principals of wonder & discovery.

A squiggle could turn into anything. It is a beginning to endless possibilities. In the visual world so many things are made of squiggles, paint, light, drawings, marks, writing. The list is endless.

Many squiggles are like fairy dust on a page, they reach out and make you believe in something that didn't exist till someone thought it up.

I am an illustrator who wears many hats. I am a Drama teacher, a full time mum, a photographer, a puppeteer.....and that's just what I do right now. I have run a shop, a restaurant and guesthouse, raced in an autorickshaw rally, worked in event management, made ad films, modeled, acted on stage and even sold life insurance for sometime. My work comes from a life rich with mad and different experiences.​

A bit about me...

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